Type 1 Diabetes

מתוך שקוף באוהל
קפיצה אל: ניווט, חיפוש

Every year more and more people are become diabetic. How the environment, pollution and the lifestyle impacting on people making them more vulnerable to diabetes. This article will provide you with all the information about Diabetes, the complications related to the diabetes and what should someone do to prevent the rapid progress of the disease. The complications depend on the type of diabetes. If diabetes is not properly managed, the patient will probably develop serious disorders like hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and even coma. If the diabetes is not treated appropriate- Cardio Vascular Diseases (CVD), retinopathies, chronic kidney failure, neuropathies, erectile dysfunction, traumas are not healing quickly, gangrene on the legs (Diabetic Foot) will appear that situations may lead to amputation. Generally, both the short, and the long-term complications of diabetes involving vascular problems throughout the body, with consequent damage to various organs (heart, kidneys, eyes, etc.). Firstly, how to protect yourself from disease? Continue your life. For those who have type 1 diabetes, follow a suitable diet, keep physically fit and do insulin, you can continue your life without problems. Maintain the balance between the insulin, diet and your way of life. The insulin dosage is directly related to the portion and kind of food you eat each time. Furthermore, the regular exercises associated with the time and the dose of prescript insulin. Test your blood sugar. People with diabetes must check frequently and according to the guidance of the physician their levels of sugar (glucose). Avoid the onset of cardiovascular diseases. Because the risk of heart diseases is quite high for diabetics is often important to control blood pressure and cholesterol, along with any additional factors that might coexist. Stop smoking! Smoking has a significant impact throughout the body, especially the cardiovascular system. It's important to stop it immediately. Consult an expert doctor. A qualified doctor will assist the patient on the way to control his diabetes. Some of health professionals who can help you with any issue associated with diabetes are Endocrinologists, Physicians, Diabetologists, Cardiologists, Pediatricians, Dieticians, Podiatrists, Ophthalmologists, sports doctors, nurses and others. Especially as it concerns Diabetes in pregnancy, woman must consult with obstetrician-gynecologist specializing in cases of diabetic pregnant. Secondly, predisposing factors of Diabetes Mellitus Type2 Age and Race. As age increases so does the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Particularly the ages of 40 (for white people) and above 25 (for black people, Asians and some minorities) have an increased impact. Family background of diabetes is also very important. If there is a history of diabetes within the family (a relative had or has diabetes) the risk is higher. The degree of relatedness plays a role in risk assessment. The body weight and inactivity are also very significant. The 4/5 of the people who developed type 2 diabetes was over weight. The more overweight you are, the higher is the risk. The risk increases further if the overweight person does not engage in any kind of regular exercise. Cardiovascular problems as well as strokes. People who may have had a stroke or heart attack are at greater risk of developing the type 2 diabetes. The exact same risk have people with hypertension. Diabetes of gestation. Women who become temporarily diabetic during pregnancy are at high risk of type 2 diabetes later on. Especially women who are carrying babies with high body weight. Mental disorders. It has been discovered that people who have mental disorders are at high risk of developing diabetes type 2. Now, let’s speak about important situations in diabetes. Hypoglycemia sometimes referred as an insulin resistance. It occurs when the blood sugar is too low. Even if strictly followed the control diabetes program, hypoglycemia may occur and ought to be treated rather quickly before the condition will worsen. If you experience symptoms of hypoglycemia should check your blood sugar levels. The American Society for Diabetes says that if you feel symptoms of hypoglycemia and it is not possible to control blood sugar better to cope with the symptoms rather than waiting until you get the chance to confirm your blood sugar. Symptoms of hypoglycemia. • Sense tingling around the mouth. • Mild headache, dizziness. • Sweating • Trembling • Headache • Pale Skin • Irritability, • Tearing • Spasms • distractions (daydreaming) • Disturbed perception • clumsy • Intense desire for food intake How can I deal with Hypoglycemia? You should immediately increase the levels of your blood sugar. The quickest way is to eat any food with sugar. • A teaspoon sugar • 1/2 cup juice • 5-6 sweets Make sure you always carry a few of the above in your pocket to be ready. Another very important situation is: hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is known as a condition in which the levels of sugar within the blood are too high. Hyperglycemia should be treated straightaway as it is the primary cause serious and life-threatening complications in diabetics. Hyperglycemia occurs when there is no or not enough the hormone insulin in the blood or the insulin is not working properly. Most often hyperglycemia takes place when the medication are not taken properly or forgotten one or more doses. Other cause which could lead to hyperglycaemia is snacking on sweets, without the correct setting of the insulin dose or because an infection may occur. Symptoms of hyperglycemia • High blood sugar (glucose) in the blood • High level of glucose in the urine • Increased hunger • Polydipsia (increased thirst) • Polyuria (when the person urines a lot) • Turbidity vision • Weight Loss • Slow healing wounds • Xerostomia (dry mouth) • Cardiac arrhythmia • Deep and frequent breathing • Inability • Pruritus (itching) and dry skin • Fatigue / tiredness • Shock (shock) • Coma Management of hyperglycemia If you experience the signs of hyperglycemia you must check your blood sugar levels and if that is extremely elevated immediately look for the help of an expert. Activity can reduce levels of blood sugar. But beware: If you have increased ketone bodies in your urine, exercise can raise blood sugar even more. If you following a balanced diet and take correctly your medication, the levels of blood sugar will stay stable. But if despite all the above, the blood sugar is remaining high the treatment must be modified. If you find this info interesting please browse this website.

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